
Crush Quotes

Crush Quotes

    ·       Dear Crush, Don’t ask me why i really like you. Just accept the fact that i do.

·       Take A Chance Because You Never Know How It Can Turn Out.

·       Everyone Changes You can’t Expect Someone To Stay The Same Forever You Can’t Grow That Way…

·       I'm so glad you are in my life but i want to be more than friends

·       It's not that I'm afraid of telling you how I feel about you, I'm afraid of how you will react.

·       stop stringing me along. Can't you tell that every word you say makes me blush, and every smile you have makes me giggle. Don't string me along, it's not fair!c

·       I want to ask you out but I can't find the right word's. And my confidence level is low. :(

·       I want to be the girl you give your sweatshirt to when it is cold, the one you'll tell your friends, "That's my girl."

·       All I want is to feel your arms around me and hear you say something sweet in my ear and forget everything else but I know you don't feel the same way. </3

·       well maybe some day my dreams will come true

·       Whenever I see you, I think, "You have no idea how much I care about you."

·       your hugs are the ones that make me happy when I'm sad, the ones that make me go crazy inside and the ones I look forward to the most <3

·       Based on studies, the average crush lasts 4 months. If it lasts longer... you've fallen in love.

·       When I think about writing your name in a heart, I write it in a circle instead, because a heart can break, but a circle goes on forever (:

·       You are my first and last thought of everyday, and everyone in between <3

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