
Men’s Status

Men’s Status

     ·       I universe, 8 planets, 192 countries, 189,497 islands, 85 seas, 7 billion people & I'm still single. :p

·       "I am single, because i haven't found someone who deserves ME"

·       A man's biggest mistake is giving another man an opportunity to make his woman smile.

     ·       Girls don't need make up to look pretty for a guy. Is it true?

·       I Was Born Intelligent But Girlzz Ruined Me :)

·       Dear Good Boys,
      do not worry having no girlfriend this time. Remember, bad boys will always have the best girlfriend but they will never have the best wife.

·       Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no wife to go home to, or they do. :p

·       Latest research: "Boys Always remain faithful to girlfriend....!!!"
      But Which Girlfriend...?
     That is still a topic of research! :P

·       Dear girls, don`t flatter yourself. i sent you a friend request, NOT a wedding proposal.

·       Women have an amazingly mysterious ability of communication. They listen half, understand quarter but can tell double.

·       It`s funny how girls RUN from the guy who try to make them happy, and FIGHT for the ones that make them cry.

·       Words that spoiled many boys` life . . . .... . "Dude she`s looking at you."

·       3 dreams of a man: To be as handsome as his mother thinks. To be as rich as his child believes. To have as many women as his wife suspects

·       A female can be your best friend, worst enemy, or your worst nightmare...It all depends on how you treat her!

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