
Funny Facebook Status

Funny Facebook Status

    ·       I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.

·       I am not ALWAYS on Facebook, you just always happen to be on at the same time. which means your always on! HA! ;) 

·       Thank God I was young and stupid BEFORE there were camera phones.

·       School taught me a lot of stuff, but the most useful was how to get ready in 15 minutes

·       Strangers: "Excuse me please." Family: "Hey move!" Best friends: "Get the f*** out of my way!"

·       If history repeats itself then I am SO getting a dinosaur.

·       I'm going door to door to promote my new gym. It's called "Jehovah's Fitness".

·       Hate it when you open the fridge and can’t find what you were looking for; like happiness and perfect abs.

·       My ring tone is a woman faintly screaming ‘Help me, Superman. Help me!’ and then I run away, unexplained.

·       If people in horror movies listened to me, they'd still be alive.

·       They seriously need an express lane at the Bank for those of us who have less than $100 dollars in our checking account.

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