Yo mama one line jokes for WhatsApp Facebook
Yo mamma so fat her baby pictures were taking by satellite
Yo mamma so fat she doesn’t take pictures she takes posters
Yo mamma so fat she’s got more nooks and crannies than an English muffin
Yo mamma so fat after she gets through turning around they throw her a welcome back party
Yo mamma so ugly you had to pin a porkchop to her face so the dog would play with her
Yo mamma so fat her blood type is ragu
Yo momma is so old. When she went to school. there was no history class!
Yo momma is so old, she named dirt!
Yo momma is so ugly, she has to sneek up on bath water!
Yo momma is so hairy, when you were born, you almost died of rug burn.
Yo momma is so hairy, it looks like she's got Don King in a head lock!
Yo momma is so hairy, that why she was taking a shower, someone taped, "Apes in the mist." !