
Good Night Facebook Status

Good Night Facebook Status

    ·       When everything is going dark and dim, don’t worry.God is actually switching off the lights before throwing a surprise party :)

·       Close your eyes,Concentrate your mind nd Pray to god about the things That you want most. GOD must fulfill your prayer.Have a nice sleep.

·       “I dont have time 2 hate people who hate me.. Because, I’m too busy in loving people who love me!” Good Night!

·       Touch ur heart; Close ur eyes; Make a wish; Say GoodNight; Sky so wide, Stars so bright, Turn off the lights, and say Good Night

·       The day is done, The moon has replaced the sun, I guess that’s my clue, to say GOOD NIGHT to you.

·       Its time to say good night real world, hello dream world…

·       Don`t you just love it when you flip your pillow over and its cool on the other side..

·       As u go 2 bed 2night, I ordered bats 2 guard u tight. I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2 make sure u r all right, I’LL ask the Dracula 2 kiss your neck goodnight…

·       I wish i never wake up from my dream because im dreaming of you babe. Goodnight

·       People don’t always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand them. These line are really very heart touching, sometime we should understand the condition. Good Morning / Good Night

·       Sleeping Is Not Taking Rest For Todays Hardwork..It Means Gaining Energy For Tomorrow..So Sleep Well..Good Night..!

·       Every Night, It’s An Endless Battle Between Sleep And The Internet. :) Good Night

·       My bed is calling my name so I am ready to tuck in the blanket and feel warm. Good night my dear Facebook and stay warm

·       Every Night, It’s An Endless Battle Between Sleep And The Internet. :) Good Night

·       Recipe for the greatest nights: 

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