Weird Status for Facebook
You never know how bad it hurts until it happens with you.
I like when people call my name and at the end they put three "!".xD
is in of those moods where you feel like you can TAKE OVER the WORLD!.. But i just don't wanna get out of my chair.
Shhhhh the voices in my head are sleeping & they get angry if I wake them up
I'm weird, am i? Then did you know that weird just means different, and different means unique, and unique is special? So thanks for the compliment!
I may be strange, weird, and crazy. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until you get to know me better.
what is weird?? is there even such a thing as weird?? what is normal?? no one is normal!! at least no one i know is normal... huh. that's weird to think about.
In life I am the Fruit Loop in the bowl of Cheerios, but at least I am interesting!
Why do I keep talking to myself?
Life is like a lemon you have to peel off the bitter skin we have skin it protects us like a lemon life is like a lemon you have to peel off the bitter ...
If you can raed tihs tehn you hvae a srtgnae mnid, Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe
oh my gosh! oh my gosh! oh my gosh! guess what? what the crap! i forgot it
Has just killed the fire alarm , because it criticized my cooking. DIE FIRE ALARM ! DIEEEE! lol.