
Facebook Status for Crush

Facebook Status for Crush

·       You're the reason for the smile that sits on my face. You're the reason I can be happy on the rainiest of days. ❤❤

·       I'm so glad you are in my life but i want to be more than friends… :-)

·       I might have to wait. I'll never give up. I guess it's half timing, And the other half's luck. Wherever you are. Whenever it's right.

·       It's not that I'm afraid of telling you how I feel about you, I'm afraid of how you will react.

·       Stop stringing me along. Can't you tell that every word you say makes me blush, and every smile you have makes me giggle. Don't string me along, it's not fair!

·       You can't see it, but I just did a happy dance because you just texted me when I was thinking about you!! ❤❤

·       Well maybe some day my dreams will come true

·       Whenever I see you, I think, "You have no idea how much I care about you."

·       Thinking of you makes me want to smile

·       Based on studies, the average crush lasts 4 months. If it lasts longer... you've fallen in love.

·       A friend, will keep the secret of who you like. A good friend will tell you to ask them out, but a best friend will drag you over to them and make you talk.

·       It's funny how one little text can make all those little feelings come back like that. :)

·       Your the only person who can make me laugh, when i don't even want to smile. And i can make u smile when your having a bad day, GET THE HINT U STUPID BOY!

·       i secretly want u, i like u and want to be with you, but i am not sure you feel the same way :'(

·       I smile when you text me. I smile when you talk to me. I smile when you touch me. This could be the start of something good.<3

·       If you love me show me, if you want me tell me, if you need me just ask...whatever it is im always here

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